Friday, July 27, 2007


Never thought I'd get here! As confused as I got at times, I feel I learned alot about what technologies are out there, and the possible uses for them. I was especially interested in the digital photography sites, and I also like learning about the online applications for creating documents, etc. I'm not sure I'll ever be interested in the social aspects of the web, and I still think it's strange to interact with people you don't know at all in ways that seem "friendly." But overall the program was interesting. I thought it was odd that the beginning was much harder to navigate through than the last parts. But just when I was about to give up, it got better. At least I know some of the terminology now.


Debby said...

Congrats, Lynn on completing your 23 Things!!! And your blog is still my favorite!

Jessica said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You will be rewarded for your hard work on August 31!!!

Jen said...

That is so cool that you're done!

Anonymous said...

I agree that your blog is quite attractive. I was also impressed with how you put all those side links on your blog. I didn't even attempt to do most of those.