Saturday, June 23, 2007

Week 3, Thing 7, FINALLY!

So far, the most interesting things for me have been creating my blog and exploring Flickr, because I love to take digital photos and play with them. I think from now on, I'll need to work with a co-worker to help me navigate through the other 16 things. I'm insanely green with envy over Jessica and Jen's blogs - they are so creative and well-thought-out. But at least I've managed to create one! Focus on the positive! (Lesson 8 - ha!)


Jen said...

Thank for for the compliment about my blog....believe me, it was super easy and didn't take any time at all....let me know what you liked and I can show you what I did!

Jessica said...

Green with envy. Green is my favorite color. If you need help let me know!!!